
to be the global
technology leader of uv-curing industry
no. 8 qianjia road, yaoguan town, changzhou city, jiangsu province
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to be the global
leader of uv curing technology
ticker symbol:300429
no. 8 qianjia road, yaoguan town
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social responsibility
occupational health and safety
safe tronly, happy homestead
tronly, according to the vision of “safe tronly, happy homestead“ and the policy of “preventing accidents, scientific management, ensuring the safety and health of employees, fully executing human-based management, improving the safety and comfort of the employees’ work environment”, works on the plan and implementation of occupational health and safety management.
we have obtained the secondary certificate of safety & production standardization and certificate of iso 45001 management system, won many honors, e.g. wujin district demonstration enterprise of safety culture construction, wujin district demonstration enterprise of safety in production, changzhou city enterprise of safety, etc.; developed and applied the advanced technologies, e.g. microchannel reactor, automatic control system, etc., to improve the safety management, providing the protection for the occupational health and safety of the employees, and won the prize of jiangsu province demonstration workshop of intelligent manufacturing.
environment protection
clear waters and green mountains are as valuable as mountains of gold and silver.
tronly, according to the concept of “clear waters and green mountains are as valuable as mountains of gold and silver”, is always insisting on the equal emphasis on economic, environmental and social interest, ensuring full compliance with the national, local and industrial environment protection laws and relevant regulations.
we actively develop and promote raw materials of solvent-free uv-curing recipes for coatings, inks and other industries, assist traditional coating and ink industry with the technological transition from high-vocs to no/low-vocs, contribute to the goal “emission peak and carbon neutrality” of our country. we are active in developing and applying the advanced processes or technologies, e.g. microchannel reactor, three-in-one reactor, etc., to reduce the source of pollution, to enhance the process control with dcs automatic control system as well as other environmental management systems, to classify and proceed end-of-pipe control with spray system, active carbon adsorption and desorption, thermal oxidizer (to), regenerative thermal oxidizer (rto), etc., to classify and treat waste water with distillation, extraction, filtration, double-effect evaporation, uasb, sbr, etc., in order to ensure the standardized emission of wastes.
social responsibility
taking responsibility with courage, focusing on the future, adhering to low-carbon development, and jointly building a harmonious society.
tronly makes significant contributions and investments in public welfare, charity, and employee care, demonstrating a high sense of social responsibility. in the actions for social welfare and improvement of living environments, tronly actively practices corporate culture. tronly keeps sponsoring local sports events, engaging in charitable donations and helping improve community environments. they support regional cultural and health development, giving back to society through tangible actions. tronly emphasizes the personal growth and career development of employees, providing a good working environment and training opportunities, encouraging continuous self-improvement to realize personal value. they also conduct diverse cultural activities and enrich employees' leisure time, enhancing company cohesion and sense of belonging.
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